Monday, August 9, 2010

Use Your Fear To Empower Yourself!

Are you afraid of Public Speaking?
You can make use of your fear. I am not kidding. I am being realistic. fear is something that holds you from acting. Fear of public speaking is consideres to be one of the worst fears a man or woman can suffer. How can you make that kind of a fear to empower you.
Just recall the times you were gripped with fear. What did you do during those times? If you recall real incidents, you will remember that you took extra care in doing what you had to do.
Ø      If you were afraid of examinations, you studied more. 
Ø      If you had the fear of rejection when you asked your girl for your first date, you planned, rehearsed and perfected your approach.
Ø      History will show that fear has not deterred you from doing the thing you had to, but has made you perform better.
So, why should the fear of public speaking have a different effect? Decide to take advantage of the fear by preparing yourself better to give out a wonderful public speaking performance.

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